Each week Private Banker International’s independent editorial team focus their attention on key trends in private banking and the latest on the world of the wealthy. With relationships developed over 35 years they are able to source unique thinking and insight form key stakeholders in the industry.
In this sample of our monthly publication is a feature on US mid-term elections, entrepreneurial activity in the UK during mounting brevet concerns and opinion from UBP’s CEO of private banking ten years on from the financial crisis. Donald Trump campaigned on a promise off draining the swamp and redistributing wealth to “rust belt” states at concern off some US wealth managers, but there is evidence that since taking office the industry is positive on changes and fears have been set aside.
Click here to read through the features.
As only a sample of PBI content we’d welcome the opportunity to explain PBI fully along with understanding the key areas off interest, to establish if access would be useful.
Email briefings@verdict.co.uk for further information.
Thanks for your time.
The Private Banker International team