All articles by Patrick Brusnahan

Patrick Brusnahan

Patrick is the editor of Private Banker International and Life Insurance International. You can reach him at

Exclusive: RBC Wealth Management head absorbs Asia responsibilities

Head of RBC Wealth Management in emerging markets, Barend Janssens, will take on the responsibilities of departing head of RBC Wealth Management Asia, Andrew Turczyniak.

Lloyds: Investors most confident in UK asset classes

Over the previous year, private investors have shown the strongest sentiment towards UK asset classes, shares and property in particular, according to the Lloyds Bank Private Banking Investor Sentiment Index.

Brooks Macdonald assets near £6 billion

Brooks Macdonald, a UK-based wealth management firm, saw a 23% rise in their assets under management (AuM) in the half year ending 31 December 2013, reaching £5.68 billion compared to £4.62 billion in same period last year.

Update: China approves five private bank pilots

China will launch pilot programmes to trial privately owned banks in Tianjin, Shanghai, Zhejiang and Guangdong.

KBL epb appoints private banking CEO

KBL European Private Bankers (KBL epb) have appointed Carlo Friob as their CEO of private banking.

Close Brothers profit rises by 22%

Close Brothers reported a pretax profit of £94.8 million in the six months up to 31st January 2014, a 22% rise from the same £78 million earned in the same period last year.

Credit Suisse: Hedge funds AuM could reach $3 trillion globally

Credit Suisse have forecast that assets under management (AuM) in hedge funds worldwide could grow by an average of 12% in 2014 to reach an all-time high of $2.8 trillion (with an upper quartile forecast of $3 trillion), compared to approximately $2.5 trillion last year, in their annual Hedge Fund Investor Survey.

Times Wealth Management launched

The Times and Sunday Times have launched a wealth management service, Times Wealth Management, offering readers a variety of products and expert advice.

Lloyds private banker steals nearly £600k

Timothy Brooks, working at the Mayfair Private Banking Service division of Lloyds Banking Group, swiped nearly £600,000 of clients’ money before being jailed for nearly two years.

BNY Mellon appoint head of Netherlands

BNY Mellon, a global investment manager, has appointed Michael Jasper as managing director and head of Netherlands institutional business.