All articles by BBR Staff

BBR Staff
European FoF assets to rise 7.5% per year to EUR673.3bn by 2015, says Cerulli report
The European fund-of-funds (FoFs) sector is big and mature. Regulatory change and greater outsourcing to discretionary managers will continue to drive growth across all major markets. The UK’s Retail Distribution Review is already providing sales momentum in the independent financial advice market, concludes the Cerulli Report European Funds of Funds 2011.
Singapore’s Wealth Management Institute forms committee to review standards, curriculum
Singapore’s Wealth Management Institute (WMI) has formed an advisory committee to review the standards and curriculum for training professionals in the wealth management industry.
Adjusting asset allocation to inflation, growth trends may improve investment results, says BNY Mellon
Investors who dynamically adjust asset class exposures as growth and inflation expectations shift may significantly improve risk-adjusted returns, according to Great Expectations: Regime-Based Asset Allocation Seeks Higher Return, Lower Drawdowns, a white paper from BNY Mellon Asset Management’s Investment Strategy and Solutions Group (ISSG).
Bank of China to issue American Express branded credit cards for wealthy customers
Bank of China (BOC) and American Express have signed a new strategic partnership, whereby Bank of China will begin issuing American Express-branded credit cards for its private banking customers in China.
Temenos launches Portfolio Management offerings for private banks
Banking software provider Temenos has launched the latest version of its portfolio management system Triple’A Plus R11 for private banks.
Temenos launches new version of its Portfolio Management offerings for private banks
Banking software provider Temenos has launched the latest version of its portfolio management system Triple’A Plus R11 for private banks.
FSA slaps GBP5.95 million fine on Credit Suisse UK for systems and control failings
The Financial Services Authority (FSA) has fined Credit Suisse UK GBP5.95 million for systems and controls failings in relation to sales by its private bank of structured capital at risk products (SCARPs).
Societe Generale appoints new CEO for Canadian wealth unit
Societe Generale Private Banking has appointed Paul Vaillancourt as chief executive of its wealth management subsidiary in Canada, Canadian Wealth Management (CWM Group).
Commission only for independent advisors, says MiFID draft
The Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II (MiFID II) has published its draft that proposes that only independent advisors will receive commissions.
Majority of investors prefer online communication to face-to-face meetings: SEI
According to research released by SEI, entitled Communication in the Information Age, while nine out of 10 (92%) wealth managers still regard face-to-face meetings as the most important communication method, the large majority of investors want to receive communications electronically.